
Chapter Four: Introduction is not necessary when you're an enemy


'Lia, mum said you have to go to school. Despite the whole enemy thing' Eric said as he sat down beside me. I was leaning against Damien on the couch. 'I think I have to agree on this, Lia. You still need education and I certainly doesn't want to marry a girl who didn't complete her education' Damien said and I growled at him.

'Flamier Incendo' 

Soon after, Damien's shirt began to burn. 'What the hell?! Lia what did you do!' Damien said angrily when he used magic to stop it from spreading. I giggled and yawned. 'What are you talking about?' I asked, innocently. He scoffed and growled at me. 'How did you cast the spell without me noticing?' Damien asked, completely annoyed now. I rolled my eyes and yawned again. 

' Easy, by blocking out all my thoughts and not let anyone reading it' I said and Graham chuckled. 'Looks like she's good at that already, something I wished I could muster for the last hundred years' Graham said and Damien glared at him. I smiled and gave him a peck. I got up and ran into my new bedroom that Mrs. Denvers forced Damien and I to share. I heard Damien following behind me. I went into his duffel bag and took out a worn leather book.

'I found this book and looks like someone isn't up for sharing' I said and Damien groaned. He took a few steps forward trying to retrieve the book but I started to climb the drawers to escape him. He was smirking at me. I jumped on the bed and made sure that Damien was no where near me. I saw something zoomed by and I was pinned down on the bed. I saw Damien, grinning like he won the lottery. 'That's not fair that you go through my things without my consent, Lia' He said and I rolled my eyes.

'You're so old fashion. Anyways if I go back to school, am I allowed to date anyone?' I asked. I was smirking. I don't need his approval, I just want to tease him. He glared at me and hissed.

'No! I will tore his head off and hang it at the school's entrance as a warning' He said angrily. I gulped. Okay plan aborted. I sighed and pushed him away but of course being a vampire, he's very strong and heavy.

'Come on, Damien. I was just joking' I said and rolled over so I can go back to the living room. 'Joking or not I don't want any guy apart from Graham,Eric,Troy,Mr. Denvers and I to touch you. Is it clear?' He yelled at me. I turned around and face him.

'Who are you to tell me who I can be with?!' I shouted at him. Eric and Graham tore their eyes away from the TV and looked at us. 'I'm your fiance and I have a right to draw lines where it should be!' I narrowed my eyes at him.

'The last time I checked, I wasn't proposed and I don't remember saying yes!'

'It's been set before you were born so there's no going back!'

'You can't control me! I can do whatever I want without your consent! I'm not 10 years old or a bloody kid anymore. I can decide my own fate and my own decisions!' I said angrily. He walked towards me and slapped me. My right cheek was burning. My eyes started to water and I glared at him. 'I can and I will! You're just a petty human and I'm a vampire prince. I can do what I want and when I want it' He shouted and I ran out of the apartment.

I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him....

I kept repeating that until I reached the park. I reached a run down part of the park and sat down on the swing. I was wiping my tears now and then. It was starting to get darker and I should've gone back by now but I was too numb to move.

I bit my lip when the cold air blew in my face. After an hour or two since the sun sets, I was drifting off to sleep. I was hugging the swing's chains when I heard someone was leaning beside me, making the chains to make a ruffle sound.

Alarmed, I snapped my eyes open and saw the guy who gave me the freaking ring and beside him stood another guy in a navy and gold tux. I gasped and he was grinning. 'You didn't came by the waterfall last week. I was beginning to worry' He said in a sweet musical voice.

A voice of a murderer just like Damien and Graham's are. I stood up and he came closer to me. 'I had a trouble looking for you and I don't think running away is very clever. So why don't you just follow me. I promise I won't harm you....yet' He said and I gulped.

He stepped forward so he was standing under the victorian street light. He was quite handsome, his blonde hair was slicked back, he had golden brown eyes and sickly pale. He was smirking at me and licking his lips. I took a step back and tried to back off.

'Sebastian, can you carry her? Looks like I scared her off with my beauty' He said and the guy Sebastian nodded. He grabbed and lifted me bridal style. Before I could protest, Sebastian took off in a high jump and ran faster than a bullet train. I was sure I wasn't breathing. I wanted very badly to scream and call for help but my voice abandoned me.

Not soon after, Sebastian land gracefully on the ground. I looked at the mansion in front of me. I turned around and saw him. 'Why are you doing this?' I asked and he chuckled. He took out a cane and walked down the driveway. 'Just stay and watch, that way you'll survive' He said.

Sebastian pushed me to walk and I did. I was afraid but I knew that I wasn't that defenseless. I had been reading and studying the book that Damien owns so that I can control my magic. I also had managed to control my thoughts, if I find Damien trying to read my mind, I would make sure that Damien thought it was harmless.

~Damien's POV~

'Where can she be?' Eric muttered angrily as he kept flashing the lights through the bushes at the park. I send Graham to search the city. I walked away from Eric and then I heard a voice nearby. 'Sebastian, can you carry her? Looks like I scared her off with my beauty' and not soon after, I saw two guys no older than 20 years of age, jump into the air. I sniff at the smell and nearly gag. Demon's scent. They must have taken Thylia. I growled and Eric came over. 'Something's wrong?' He asked.

'I think I know what happened here' I said darkly. Eric looked at me and flashed the place where Thylia. I saw a gold ring when Eric flashed on the ground. I walked over and picked it up. It had a crest of the Shadows family. I did a death grip on it and sighed. 'Its her ring' I said and Eric bit his lip. 'Eww... this place wreaks of Demon. How can you stand smelling this shit?' Graham asked. I rolled my eyes. 'I lived longer than you, thats why' I said and Graham pushed me lightly.

'Guys, don't want to destroy your fun and all but my sister was kidnapped. Shouldn't we find her?' Eric said as the rain starts to pour down.'If we you meant Graham and I then yes' I said and he turned to me fuming. 'No! I've been protecting her since I was 8 and I don't see the reason why I should stop now' Eric said angrily.

'Look I'm not saying that you should but you can't follow us! We know where she is and if you tag along, they will take you hostage and add us to our burden. The Immortal world is not a place for you, Eric' I said and he glared at me.

'I promised her that I'll protect her amd-'

'THEN WHAT WILL SHE SAY WHEN SHE FOUNDS OUT THAT YOU'RE DEAD? YOU CAN'T FIGHT OFF THE DEMONS ERIC!' I shouted and he shut up. 'Let's go Graham and Eric, I'll send you a signal when you are allowed to come and stay inside. They might use you as bait' I said and left. Stupid demons, you think you can take her from easily? You are way out of your league.

~ Thylia's POV~

They pushed me into a dark room and  I fell on the cold stone floor. Then I felt a pair of cold hands grabbed my hands and threw me against the wall. My back hit the wall and I slide down. I heard a couple of clashing metal and something heavy on my ankle. I looked down and saw that I was chained to the ground. When I looked back up, the guy who chained me walked towards me and start hitting me. Each hit reminded me on what my past families did.

I smelled rust and salt as my blood spilled to the dirty floor. I bit my lower lip to refrain myself from crying. Where's Damien when I need him? I though and as the metal rod touches my skin, I accidentally let out a scream. I saw the guy smirked, he was enjoying every pain. What a sadists. But again, perfect for his job. I crawled away from him but held back by the chains. I cursed, I was frustrated that I couldn't get away. I then remembered that I still have my powers. Lucci fro tule .  The chains budged and they tugged my ankles but nothing changed. I cried out in despair. My own powers won't work to save me. There must be a barrier. The demon knelled in front of me.

'It's enchanted, darling. Nothing you do will help you here. There's a barrier, no magical creature can escape here' He said and I glared at him. He laughed and stood up. In the dimmed room, I saw a torch that the demon had picked up and light it. The fire was emerald green. Flames of Quetelle, the flames of life and death. Only demons can use them and they are the only ones who have the power to decide if another life worth living or dying.

'Now let's see if this torch decides to let you live' He said and pour a thick musky liquid at my body. He lowered the torch by my knees and once the fire touches it rapidly spread throughout my body. I tried to use magic to stop the flame from spreading but it won't. The demon just laughed and watched. The fire was piercing through my skin, burning them. I was about to fall from consciousness but when the flame reaches to my neck, it stopped. The smirked from the demon faltered. The flames turned into white.

'Master would love to hear this' He said and walked away. I looked down and saw that nothing has damaged but the flame stayed. White? What did Damien told me when the Flame of Quetelle changes into white? Come on think Thylia!

Flashback to 2 days ago****

'Flame of Quetelle. The most giving of flames that a demon posses. This flame is the life and death, it determines whether the victim is worth living or dying. The flames can only be ignited by the blood of their victims. A thick white liquid will be thrown to its body, it is a liquid that will stimulate the flame and forces it go forward, once it reaches to the neck, the flames will decide, for some they will linger longer to kill every cell in your body but for very few people, they will be gone in an instance.'

'Why? Because when the flames climbs it way up, it pierces your skin, reading your destiny. By the time it reaches the neck, they have read your entire life. No one survives this but a few special people. Now if the flame lingers and changes its emerald green into a different color, it means the person is a very important to the magical world. Like an individual who are not similar to another, the flames have its own color to resemble the victim's importance to the magical world. But the most important color is white, black and purple. Now white means the queen of the magical world, a line between the good and evil and the soul of the underworld. Black means an enemy that will destroy and bring downfall to the humans and purple means a very powerful teacher' Damien said as he showed me the torch.

'White is a lot of  responsibilities' I said and he smiled.

'It is that's why everyone wants the queen either dead, held and protected' Damien said and gave me a secret smile. Should I know what that means or just keep quiet?

End of Flashback

That secret smile means he knew who it is. And it has to be me. Anything else I need to know, God before I loose my mind completely? I tried to use magic again to get the chains off my ankles. Even though my magic is weak, it was the only chance I have. Lucci fro tule. The chains moved again and this time I heard a snap and saw the chains falling off my ankles. Gratefully, I ran up to the door and surprised to find it unlock. I glance nervously down the dark and narrow corridor. Flamme wis demte and a soft light emitted from my hand. I kept running through the dark corridor. My heart was beating rapidly. I have to find a way out fast. Every shadows or movement, made me jump.

This is what happens when you get into a fight with Damien

Geez who the hell are you?

And I thought you would recognize my voice

Can't think right now! I'm trying to save my ass before some evil demon decides to kill me!


So you're not my conscience, then who are you?

If I tell you, please don't freak out!

I don't think that's possible since I'm on the verge of dying right now.

yeah.. I  don't think I should. It might bring your death a little sooner without the demons help too

God dammit just tell me! You invade my head and not tell me?!?! Seriously?

Alright alright, don't yell! 

Time is ticking here!

I'm your brother!

I stopped on my tracks and I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest. My brother? Since when did I have a brother?

Thylia... are you there?

I have a brother?

Yeah... I'm a vampire though. I was born 200 years earlier than you

How come you're a vampire and I'm a sorceress?

Good question but I'm sure your soul mate can answer that


Yes, he a vampire and a sorcerer. He holds all the answer.

I wish I'm somewhere near him but you know what will be best right now?

An escape route?


Thylia, your powers can guide you. Just chant Extier Dof Fel and it will guide you


A glowing light suddenly appear and I start to follow the light to the other way round. I've been going to the wrong way all along? That was a waste of time. I was still making sure that I wasn't being followed and making sure that the demons aren't hiding in shadows of this god forsaken hallway. Finally I saw the exit, a metal door and I ran to it and opened the door. I breathe a sigh of relief when I saw the sun.

I looked up and saw the castle. God how much I wish I can burn it to the ground! I glared and it and decided that it's better to use the opportunity to run away from the demons.I definitely don't like this place at all. After I managed to steal a horse and ran miles away from the castle, I stopped in a forest. It was getting dark and I'm starved! I used my powers to set the fire, a tent and food for both the horse and I.

*Unknown POV*

King Fredrick summoned me to his room. It's been years since I have come up to the castle. Even as a Duke, I tried to refrain myself from being part of the Vampire Royalty. Though he sounded desperate and I have no choice but to oblige. My chauffeur opened the door for me and I walked up the grand staircase to the entrance. I saw Damien and Graham with another mortal boy. All wore the worried expression. Did something happened?  The King's royal servant greeted me by the entrance and led me to his office. Once inside the office, King Fredrick looked up from his paper work and smiled.

'Duke Xavier. Please have a seat' He said and I sat opposite him. The servant served us blood and cakes. I took a glass of blood and took a sip.

'Is there a reason why you bought me here, Your Majesty?' I asked with full of authority. He sighed and looked at me.

'Duke, the reason is because your sister is in grave danger' He said slowly and I looked at him. A sister?

'What sister?'I asked and he flinched.

'Your sister was born 18 years ago. In Fairbanks, Alaska. Your parents were murdered then or shall I say your father did. She then been taken into an orphanage and several other families. A few days ago, Prince Damien managed to get her away from Alaska since the danger is too might for her there. Though he managed to let her ran off and now she's under the demons' care' he said and I narrowed my eyes.

'Does Noah knows?' I asked. Noah is my younger brother and he normally knows things before others does even from the King himself.

'Noah has the possibility. She needs to be saved but the demon's territory is off limits to everyone except the gypsies' He said and I tilted my head a little.

'Gypsies heh? I think I can arrange that. You however mustn't let Prince Damien and Prince Graham into their realm. We cannot let them put in danger. No matter what happens. I have it under control and I do not wish Prince Damien to interrupt. Is it understood, Your Majesty?' I said and he nodded.

'Don't you want to know what your sister's name is?' The king asked as I rose from the armchair.

'What is it?'

'Its Thylia Artemis Shadows. She's a sorceress' He said and I nodded. The servant opened the door and I walked down the flights of staircase and into the Roll Royce. Time to see Noah.

After 2 months, I finally finished this chapter and new characters have been introduced! Photos later. Comments please!

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