
Chapter Three: Runners,Foes and Destroyers



I kept running through the forest. Something was after me and they were trying to grabbed me but I pulled away and ran away. Something stopped in front of me and looked me in the eye. 'You will be mine forever' He said and then disappears. I turned around over and over again to find him but didn't. I saw an ugly creature running towards me and grasped me.

I shrieked and told it to put me down. He did however but it was in front of the tree house and it was blazing in flames. I saw the fairies turned into bees. My eyes widened in fear. I ran to the top of the tree house and yank the gold door opened. The fairytale land that I created was burning and from the distance I saw Eric with his crown, bloody and burnt. I gasped and ran out of the room.

I was about to climb down from the tree house but a small piece of the roof collapsed and I had to dodge it. I coughed and my vision was getting blurrier. One of the platforms collapsed and then there was someone came over to me and smiled. 'You'll be mine soon, Princess' He said.

I sat up quickly and looked at my i pod's clock. I looked around the tree house and sighed with relief. There's no fire. I looked back at my i pod's clock. It was 5 am and I sighed. It's time to go to school. I have to leave 2 hours before school starts since I have 5 miles hiking to do and not to mention to avoid heavy traffic. I used my magic to change my clothes and for food.

I was dressed in a neon green shirt with a graphic across it in different colors, pink skinnys, black converse, a couple of green bracelets, stereo earrings and of course the rings and necklace was intact. I sat at the living room and summoned chocolate waffles and orange juice.

Once I was done, I made sure that the house is invisible to everyone and hiked back to my car. After 25 minutes of hiking, I reached my camaro and drove to school. I was reversing when I saw a man exactly behind the car. I put on brake and got out. 'Just a message from my master. He said to meet him by the waterfall tonight' He said and looked at me.

Even though its still dark, I saw his eyes and they were blood red. I gulped and nodded. He tossed me something and I looked down at it. It was a topaz ring but there was something inside the gem that I can't recall. 'Where this until he tells you to take it off' He said and then he disappeared. What the hell? I put on the ring on my right index finger and it suddenly glued there. Shit.

I got to my car quickly and speed down the highway. I stopped by starbucks when I reached the town then went straight to school. I turned off the engine but I didn't get out of the car. I was staring at the ring. Is he the guy in my dreams? Will he hurt me if I see him tonight?

Why is my life so complicated! I sighed in frustration and slung my bookbag over my shoulders. I got out and locked the car. I was walking to my locker when I saw Sam putting his textbooks in a different locker. I walked over him, curious.

'Hey Sam!' I greeted happily but when Sam looked at me, it was filled with hatred and disgust. Did something happen? I put my hand on his shoulders but he shrugged it away.

'Sam? Is there something wrong?' I asked and he glared at me.

'Yeah, there is! I can't believe I've been friends with a murderer!' He said with venom in his voice. I stood there shocked. I've never killed anyone before.

'What!? I never killed anyone! What are you talking about?' I asked, I was so confused and I have no idea what's happening. He laughed but not in a friendly way.

'Your so called adopted parents were murdered yesterday' He said and I was absent yesterday cause my car ran out of gas in the middle of the highway and there was no way I can walk to school. 'Yesterday?' I asked him. He nodded.

'Where were you yesterday?' He asked me.

'My car ran out of gas in the middle of the highway in a heavy traffic. I can't walk to school knowing it was 30 miles away!' I replied but he just glared.

'Nice try but you can't get through with your lies, Lia!'

'Lies?! I'm telling the truth! You're my friend, you should believe me than those stupid rumors!' I said angrily. He just shrugged it off and walked away. I was infuriated. He doesn't believe what I told him? Some friend he is!

I ran to class after I got my textbooks for the day. I had English now and when I got into the class, everyone stopped talking and looked at me. I sighed and walked towards my desk. I pull out my i pod and played Anywhere but here by Mayday Parade

Tonight is the one thing left
And I haven't said it yet, I'm falling
And the writings on the wall

Today was misery
And I just can't believe this happened
And I finally broke down
She held onto my heart
But now my only star is falling
It's burning to the ground

Now I'm crying out

Secret love, my escape
Take me far far away
Secret love, are you there
Will you answer my prayer
Please take me anywhere but here
Anywhere but here

You're all I've got right now
No one else figures out this feeling
And how lonely it can get
These words can cut right through
Cause all along I've knew you're sorry
But you haven't said it yet

But now I won't forget

Secret love, my escape
Take me far far away
Secret love, are you there
Will you answer my prayer
Please take me anywhere but here
Anywhere but here

When we're together
Thoughts of her disapear
If I fell to pieces
You'd heal this pain I feel

Secret love, my escape
Take me far far away
Secret love, are you there
Will you answer my prayer

Secret love, my escape
Take me far far away
Secret love, are you there
Will you answer my prayer
Please take me anywhere but here
Anywhere but here.

I was softly humming to the song while looking out of the window. I saw the man in my dreams. I gulped and looked down. When I went back looking out of the window, he was closer now. I jumped a little bit and he smirked. Who is he? I decide to listen to the teacher's lecture. We were discussing about Jane Eyre. I was actually listening but I was just pretending to.

My mind was wavering back to the dream and the morning's incident. I didn't care about the rumors I'm more worried about tonight. I sighed deeply and when the bell rings, I ran out of class and call Eric. After two rings later, he picked up.

'Lia! I missed you!!' He sang and I laughed.

'I missed you too, your highness!' I said and he laughed.

'How are you? Its been what 3 days since you called! What's happening?'

'Actually that's what I want to talk to you about. There's something weird is happening and I don't know what it is'

'What is it?'

'Remember Sam? Well today he acted different and he told me that I murdered my foster parents but how can I when I wasn't anywhere near town yesterday since my car ran out of gas in the highway nearby the Jackson's Steak House. Isn't it weird?'

'Total weird but did the cops found you?'

'How can they when I was in a forest living my life' He chuckled.

'Anything else?'

'Uhh.. yeah. Last night I dreamt that I was chased by these weird ugly creatures by the woods and there's this guy with red eyes said that I belong to him forever and stuff. So I ran to the tree house and saw that it was burning and everything was turning ugly. Like the fairies turned into evil bees and stuff.What do you think it was about?'

'It seems that the dream is about your magic turning into a disaster. Also, about the guy with the red eyes, is he for real?'

'It seems so, when I was about to leave for school, there was this dude, he gave me a topaz ring but I have a feeling its bad news and told me to meet his master tonight by the waterfall. I seriously have no idea what to do! And now I feel like someone is watching me. Not to mention I saw the evil guy near the language building, smirking at me. I really wish you're here, Eric!'

'I would advise you to leave school but then he would come for you but if you stay, who knows what's going to happen and about tonight, Lia I deeply advise you not to go cause whatever it is, it's not good news!'

'I know but the waterfall isn't very far from the tree houe. He could easily just come up! What should I do?'

'Leave Alaska! You have too get away from Alaska!'

'When do I have to leave?'

'Get on a plane immediately and go straight to New York' He said and I sighed.

'Let me guess use that credit card you gave me'

'What else? Wait... you never used it?'


'That explains why the bill is so small... anyways get to the fastest flight and I'll pick you up at the JFK airport' He said.

'Alright. I'll see you later'

'Later and be careful. I don't want my sister to get hurt' I chuckled.

'I will, Eric. I love you'

'I love you too' I hang up and went to my locker. I unload all my text books and grabbed all the things I need. I took out my purse and saw the gold card. I sighed. I ran towards my car avoiding glares. I saw the guy and ran faster. I got into my car and slammed the door shut. I start the engine and speed through the highway and didn't bother to bring anything with me. I ran to the counter and the lady behind it was smiling brightly at me.

'Morning, can I have one ticket to New York'

'What time?'

'As soon as possible' I replied and she smiled.

'the plane is boarding. There's only two seat open at the first class'

'I'll take it' I said and hand her the gold card. After she hand me over the ticket, I ran to the gate. I wasn't the last one in. When I hand over the ticket, I saw someone behind me but I didn't bother to look. I sat by my seat and someone sat beside me. I turned to looked and saw him. I was about to scream bloody murder but he covered my mouth. 'We wouldnt want to cause a scene now would we' He whispered. He smiled at me and grabbed my hands. 'You can't run away from me, Thylia. It takes more than just fly across the country to get away from me' He said and I shifted awkwardly in my seat.

'Who are you anyway? And what do you want from me?' I asked. I was scared and that's pretty noticeable but what kind of person doesn't anyway?

'I'm Graham Rex and I think you already met my best friend, Damien' He said and I looked at him puzzled.

'I've never met any Damien before specifically your best friend' I said and he laughed.

'He's good at acting. I'll give him that and he tend to play with people. Damien is the guy who appeared by your class today. He was just scarring you but he had appointed me to make sure you land safely. Just be happy that your soul mate is concerned about you' He said and when he mention soul mate, my eyes widened. WHAT?!

Woah woah woah... soulmate?

Yeah he said soulmate. got an issue?

Who are you?

I'm you


Sorry I'm your voice of reason

You mean my conscience?

Yeah yeah anyways Damien seems fun

'scuse me?

but Graham is hotter

Do I know what's happening here?

You will soon enough. Hehehe

What kind of person are you? Whatever


Bye loser! I want to listen to what Graham is talking thank you very much

Pssft fine!

'Wait soulmate?!' I asked and he chuckled. He took out a picture of a family and showed it to me. 'Damien is the one with black hair. Recognize him?' He asked me. I looked at it and was awed by their beauty. All of them were wearing crowns to resemble that their royalty. I saw a teenage boy looking so magestically beautiful and elegant with a sense of pride and authority. I think I just fell in love with him. Graham seems to noticed cause he chuckled when he saw that I was blushing. 'Can I ask something?' I asked him, still looking at Damien. 'What is it?'

'This ring.. did Damien send someone else?' I asked him. He looked down at the ring and gasped. He lifted my finger. 'Where did you get this?' He asked darkly. That doesn't good and I was hoping that it was from Damien. 'Some weird guy forced me too wear this and to meet his master tonight? I don't know but the ring won't come off' I said and Graham's jaw clenched. 'Someone is keeping tab on you. Whoever it is, he must've known about Damien's and his father's plans. We have to find a way to get it out' He said and I nodded. I sighed.

Why did my life has to be so complicated. Why can't I lead a normal life, where magical creatures and magic doesn't belong? It was getting dark as the plane moves further east. The stewardess came up to us. 'What would you like for dinner?' She asked. 'What do you have?' I asked back. Graham chuckled. 'Mushroom Ravioli, Smoke Turkey, and Shepherd Pie' She replied. I nodded and decided on shepherd pie and coke. Graham just asked for coke and 3 boxes of raisins.

After watching Pink Panther 2, I fell asleep on Graham's shoulder. I know that when the plane lands, hell will break lose for me. Once we landed, I got my luggage and went to the gate. I left Graham a few minutes ago when we landed, now he's calling me to stop. I ignored him as I searched for Eric.I saw him with his hands on his head, looking down. I decided to sneak behind him. I used magic to tease him and he looked aggravated that he couldn't find the source of the annoying buzzing noise.

I chuckled and send another spell to make him itchy. I felt someone standing beside me. 'Thylia, it's not good to torture some stranger when he's in trouble' Graham said and I rolled my eyes. 'You take the fun out of everything don't you?' I asked, annoyed that someone cut off my fun. He folded his arms on his chest and laughed. 'If you live with a vampire prince who has magic powers like yours, then yeah things happen' He said. I pouted and looked at him using my puppy dog eyes. He shook his head.

'Please don't use that against me! I told Damien that I make sure you won't use your magic!' He said, frustrated with my tactics. I pouted more and use my eyes to looked at him. He turned away and bit his lip. 'Don't give in, don't give in..' He mumbled. I turned to look at him and my tears falls down. He screamed and hold my shoulders with his hands. 'Damn it woman! How the hell you pull that off?!' He shouted in frustration. I  laughed and shook him. 'Please and Damien doesn't need to know!' I begged and he sighed. He waved his hand lazily. 'Ugh, fine! If he asked, I'm telling him that you were too stubborn to obey me!' He said and I rolled my eyes.

I lifted the spells and walked over to Eric. I ran to him and gave him a bear hug from behind. Graham grabbed our luggage and ran over to us. 'Thylia! You can't just run away like that and hug some stranger!' He scolded me. I rolled my eyes. 'Shush up, Graham. If I remembered clearly, you're my slave not my guard!' I joked. Graham glared at me. 'I'm calling Damien, I can't take care of you alone it seems' He said and went somewhere to call Damien. Eric turned around and hugged me back.

'Lia! I missed you so much! And who is Graham?' He asked, looking at Graham, who by the way is yelling on the phone. I giggled. Remember I told you that some creepy guy appeared outside of class?' I asked and he nodded. 'Well that was Damien and apparently he was trying to protect me and my soul mate? But this ring belongs to an enemy who is keeping track of me and Damien had send Graham to protect me while I'm New York or until he decides to show up' I said and his jaw dropped.

'Soul Mate?! You have a soul mate?!?' Eric yelled. I flinched and nodded. Suddenly scared of him. He saw fear in my eyes and calmed down. 'Sorry, it's just a lot to take in. I thought you wouldn't make it to New York alive since people are after you and you told me how scared you are. It's just a lot and mum was worried' He said and I smiled at him.

I forgot that his family knew about my powers and how they treated me like a sister and a daughter. 'I miss them! I can't wait to see Troy! Let's go already!' I said and pulled him. Graham saw us leaving and chased after us. Once we got into the car, Graham was glaring at from the back seat. 'Thylia, don't run off like that! Damien will kill me!' He said and I rolled my eyes. 'I think he's right, Lia. This situation is bad and I don't want you to get hurt so please make sure you're either with me, Graham or Troy. Got it?' Eric said and I sighed.

'Yes, dad I got it!' I said sarcastically and both guys glared at me. 'Are you guys hungry?' Eric asked and Graham and I nodded. 'where you wanna eat?' Eric asked and I sighed.'Hmm.. I feel like eating italian. How bout you Graham?' I asked Graham as I looked at him through the rear view mirror. 'Sure' He said and Eric took us to a fancy italian restaurant. Once we're seated, we ordered chicken alfredo and coke. I swallowed down my food and saw the guys staring at me.

'What?' I asked with my mouth full of food. They shook their heads and went back to eating. I shrugged it off and continue eating. Eric and Graham paid since I didn't have any money with me. 25 minutes later, we arrived to a fancy, luxurious apartment nearby the Central Park. Eric greeted the doorman and entered the elevator. When we reached the 23rd floor, I was attacked by a guy who smells like cigarettes and alcohol. I looked up and saw Troy. I smiled at him. 'Didn't I told you to lay off the cigarettes? If you get lung cancer, it's my fault and you probably be haunted with me saying i told you so over and over again on your death bed!' I said and Troy hid behind Eric.

'She's getting meaner!' Troy squeaked and Eric rolled his eyes. 'bug off, Troy. Are you 18 or 8 years old?' And I burst out laughing. Troy pouted and gave me another hug. 'Well I missed you so much and glad that you're okay, honey bear' I looked at him weirdly and turned to Eric. 'Is he high? Honey Bear? Seriously?' I asked him and he laughed. 'I don't know, he did miss your annoying tom boyish self' Eric said and I nodded.

'So who's the hot guy' Troy asked and all of looked at him. 'What?' Troy asked, looking confused. 'You did not just said hot guy' Eric said and Graham was shocked. 'He is. Is it wrong to state the honest truth?' Troy asked and we all nodded. 'Its wrong for a guy to say the other guy is hot unless you're gay. you're not gay are you?' Graham asked and he looked like a ghost. 'I'm sorry that came out wrong... I meant who's the guy. You all need to check your hearing properly' He said and laughed nervously. He waved and left.

'So what did Damien said Graham?' I asked and he sighed. 'He's coming since he said "You can't even watch a mortal girl after years being in the army blablabla I'm coming to make sure my fiancee is not dead" He's pretty angry with me' He said and I rolled my eyes. I was about to say something and I felt someone griping my waist and turned me around. I looked at the most breath taking gorgeous guy ever walked on this planet. He had long black hair, a masculine body and just beautiful. I was gawking at him. There's no way this gorgeous vampire is my fiance.

'Believe it, Honey. I am your fiance' He said and he grinned at me. I scowled at him. 'Just what I need, a vampire who can read minds' I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and leaned in to give me a kiss. Eric shuffled a small laugh as he saw my uneasiness with Damien. I pushed him away and hid behind Eric. 'Sorry Damien, I don't roll that way' I said and Damien cock his brows. 'She's right, she don't kiss to a guy she just met' Eric explained and Damien nodded. 'That's great, at least I know you won't cheat on me' He laughed and I rolled my eyes. 'Don't count on it babe' I said and sat on the couch. Soon after I fell asleep.


Okay theres a few parts of the chapter where you will be totally confused and it was meant to be like that. It is Damien trying to scare Lia and Graham was the guy who was stalking her in the distance. Also there's a few mistakes and please just live with it cuz i'm too tired to care. Hahaha I just want to get this update fast! Ok then so comments please?

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