
Chapter Two: The New Kid


April 4th

~ Thylia's POV~

It's been exactly one month since Eric left and I've been lonely since. Trig doesn't help me too. They are making it so hard to concentrate since Mr. Mason's voice is just soo boring. Also I hated Trig in the first place, the only reason I loved it was because Eric and I would joke around. I took out my earphones and press shuffle on my iPod. Trig is stupid anyway.

I was drowned in my music and yes sleeping to noticed that someone sat on Eric's table. I lifted my head and saw a new kid with brown hair. He smiled at me and I saw a lot of people glaring at me. I didn't return the smile and went back sleeping. I still miss Eric. I sighed and ignored everyone as usual.

~Unknown POV~

I walked into the school and everyone was obviously staring. I'm the new toy. I walked into the office and saw an old woman at the reception. 'Hi I'm Sam Trueman, I'm new' I said and the lady nodded. I brushed out my bangs and the lady gave me my schedule, a map and a slip that I have to give to my teachers to sign. I left and start searching for my locker.

99 100 101 102... 

Finally I reached 103. There was another girl beside my locker but she was leaning on hers with her earphones on. She was texting on her phone. She had long black hair and she was wearing a grey v-neck, faded purple jacket, skinnys and a black converse. Her hair was covering her face so I didn't see her face. There was a book laying on her lap. It was an album saw a guy with auburn hair with blond highlights. He was laughing when the photo was taken.

Her fingers were playing with a locket. Must be her boyfriend then. The bell rings and the girl got up. She took out her Trig textbook and left. I shrugged it off and looked at my schedule. Dammit! I have Trig so that means that the girl is in my Trig class. I should've followed her. I ran off to find my class and 10 minutes later, I was in the Mathematics building. Damn this school is big for a small town! I walked to the teacher's desk and smiled.

'Hi I'm Sam Trueman' I said and the teacher nodded. He hand me a book and signed my slip. 'You can sit beside the girl at the back. Try and talk to her. She's been moody since her best friend left' He said. I raised my eyebrows. 'Umm.. alright then' I said and went to my sit. The girl was asleep and her earphones were plugged in. It was the girl beside my locker.

She's quite pretty now that I managed to see her face. Her skin was pale but it contrast her eyes and hair. Her fist was holding the picture I saw earlier. I'm guessing that's the best friend. He's pretty handsome for an emo guy. I admit I'm gay happy?

I couldn't focused on Trig cause I was watching her body slowly rise and fall. It was like a lullaby to me. The bell rings and I decided to wake her up. I slowly shook her body but no response so I did harder. 'Go away, Eric.. Mrs.Hale can wait' She mumbled. Who is Mrs.Hale? I shook harder this time and she sat up. She frowned at me and got up.

I followed behind her so that I won't get lost. She took out her Government book and I looked at my schedule. Is it me or do I have the same schedule as her? I followed silently and she immediately went to her seat by the window. Again the seat beside her was empty.

'Hi I'm Sam Trueman' Seriously I felt so tired of doing this freaking introduction and its only 2nd period! The teacher is in her late 20's and she was extremely pretty. Sad that I'm gay now. When I said that I nearly stopped dead on my track. I have a feeling that I'm bi now. I definitly need a boyfriend. I sighed and walked to the teacher's desk. She smiled brightly at me and I involuntarily smiled back. Her smile is contagious.

'Hi I'm Laura Anniston. Oh, please call me Laura' She said and hand me my text book and signed the slip. 'Well there's only one sit left and apparently it's beside Thylia. Don't let her mood disturb you' She said with venom in her voice. I wonder what happened to her that made Laura so pissed off. Guess I will find that out soon enough. She looked at me and I guess Laura was right about her mood. I can feel her dark aura burning into mine. I shifted in my seat awkwardly. She was staring at me with her cold violet eyes.

'What are you doing in Eric's seat?' She asked, glaring at me. I got goosebumps hearing her voice. It was filled with hatred. I looked at her and smiled. She didn't return any though. Harsh. 'H..hi I'm Sam' I stuttered. Her face didn't soften one bit. I gulped. She's very intimidating to say the least. 'You still haven't answered my question!' She said angrily. Damn this girl is not a friendly one. Well not that she have any friends anyway.

'Uhh... I'm new and-'

'So you decided to waltz your way through an open seat?' She attacked me. Wow this girl could take down a fucking godzilla and still be great.

'Laura kinda assigned the seat to me... not that I..I have a choice' I whimpered. She's god damn scary. She glared at me.

'Get out!' She demanded. I stare at her in shock. Wow, she hates me now. There's no way I can be her friend now. Laura stopped her lecture and walked over us. She stopped at Thylia's desk and slapped her.She was shocked but she stood up and hit Laura back. I have a feeling that these girls have a history. The class stood up taking Laura's side by pushing Thylia and she fell back. I got up and help her. Looks like everyone hates her. One of the fake blonds came up to her.

'Why don't you die just like your parents did, Lia? It'll do us good' She spat and Thylia pushed me out of the way and punched her. I sat there in horror.Her parents are dead? She kept punching and kicking until the classroom door slammed open to reveal the principal and he doesn't look happy. Thylia was dragged by the principal. That's not even fair. I decided to follow them so I grabbed mine and Thylia's bags and left.

Once I reached the office, I saw two angry parents. Both slapped Thylia. She didn't deserved that at all. I saw her mom raised her hand and I quickly pushed Thylia aside. Her mom's hand landed on my cheeks instead. Damn that woman can hit but I wasn't worrying about myself. I immediately went to Thylia's side. She was crying.

'Thylia are you alright?' I asked and she just nodded. I lifted her up and gave her a hug. She hugged back and smiled at me. Her first smile to me. I smiled back and she mouthed thank you to me. She turned to her parents and rolled her eyes.

'Bruce Donna, I really had it with you! So I'm going to move out and leave the freaking hell that you guys put me through and yeah don't worry about putting me back to the foster home. I don't need another family. I'm old enough to take care of myself so bye' She said and left. I followed her and glance at her parents. They were shocked but didn't seem to argue about it.

When we reached the car park, she stopped in front of a yellow camaro. She turned around and smiled at me. ' Hi I'm Thylia Shadows. You can call me Lia if you like' She greeted and I smiled. 'Sam Trueman and so you want to tell em anything?' I asked looking hopeful. She sighed and motioned me to get into the car. 'nice car by the way' I complimented.

She chuckled and starts the engine. 'Thanks my best friend gave it to me for my sixteenth birthday. Hoping to help me with my non-existence life' She said and drove away from school. 'where are we going?' Once we reached the highway. 'My favorite place' She was reaching 150 miles per hour. I immediately put on my seat belt.

'Can you slow down?' I asked, her driving is definitely dangerous. She raised her brows and laughed. 'Slow down is for losers!' She said and took a sharp turn to the other side of the highway. We entered the preserved forest. She stopped about 10 miles deep and turn off the engine. 'Come on and then I'll talk' She said and I got out. We start hiking about 3 miles and I was exhausted. She however wasn't. I scowled at her for her incredible strength. 'Are we there yet?' I asked and She shook her head. 'Another 2 miles' She said and I nodded.

Finally 5 miles of hiking and we stopped at an oak tree. She smiled and she elegantly whisked her hand like a maestro and suddenly there's a massive tree house between the branches. I looked at her shocked. 'Are you a witch or something?' I asked and she laughed.

'I never knew how I got them so don't ask me. This was all accidental magic' She said and I nodded. Still amazed with her secret talent. She stopped at the entrance and there was a white star-like appeared and it swirled around. Once it was gone, there was a spiral staircase. Thylia chuckled and climbed up. I followed behind her. She sat down by a gold embroiled couch, there was another white star-like and there was two can of cokes and a bunch of turkey sandwich. 'Help yourself' She said and ate one sandwich.

'Umm... if you're not a witch then what are you?' I asked once I sat down. She sighed and bit her lip. 'I asked myself that question everyday. What am I? I have no idea who my parents are. They died when I was a month old the only thing I have left of them is these two rings. My family crest and this blue diamond ring that was passed down to the first born of the Shadows' family. I wished I had known them or at least have a small memory of them' She said quietly.

'That's what that fake blond were talking bout?' I asked. She nodded.' I know a family who said those exact words. Sadly, they are still alive for what they had done, they should've died' She said with hatred. I looked at her and noticed her expression was deadly. 'Wh-what happened?' I asked, curioused. She sighed. 'It happened back when I was 6, I was adopted to a family of five, the Walters the parents were incredibly nice but their children hated me so much. One night, they decided to kill me I suppose but I survived. The police came and I transfered to the Summers Foster Home' She explained. She turned to me.

'How bout I tell you the whole story. No interruptions' She said and I nodded. Fair enough. 'Summers Foster Home were burned down after a few months. Mysteriously then I was transfered to Mrs. Hale Foster Home where Eric was. Eric was the first person to spoke to me, no one accepted Eric cause he was an orphan like I am. People in this pathetic town hates orphans and yet they are the cause of it.

'Anyways by the time I was 12, I was adopted to the couple that you met back at the office and Eric was adopted to this wealthy family when he was 13. The couple that adopted me was nice and friendly before they fell into this completely deep depression and stopped working.

'That's when Eric and his family likes to give me tons of gift so that way I won't be able to refuse them. Eric and I have been through so much actually and sorry about this whole explaination thing isn't really helpful but we were there for each other and seeing him gone is what killing me' She said and she started crying. Since I'm gay and everything, I gave her reassuring hug which she returned.

'I know that no one will be able to replace Eric but if you need anyone. I'm here for you' I said and kiss her forehead. She smiled. She stood up and clapped her hands. 'So Sam want to see something interesting?' She asked happily. I nodded and she grabbed my hand. There was another stairs leading upstairs and she practically dragged me up. Once I got up I was awe struck with everything. She stifled a laugh. There was another star-like and before me there was a million fairies playing and laughing. It was like heaven.

'Hi I'm Helena, I'm the Garden fairy!' A small fairy said as she flew around me. One by one I was introduced. 'So you met my pets. Eric adore them so much but he was closer to Gisele than the rest' She said and giggled when a male fairy tickled her. 'Edward stop it!' She said and the fairy didn't stop.

She doubled over and laughed. It was fun to watch her laugh since she apparently doesn't do much.Once Edward stopped, she sighed and breathe deeply. She whisked out and the fairies disappear. 'They are quite a handful sometimes but they love to make you laugh' She said. 'But! That's not what I want to show you' She said and dragged me to a golden door. She yanked it open and I was shocked. It's like a completely different dimension. You can see magical creatures everywhere!

'Do you like it?' She asked me. I nodded since words could not describe the moment. She chuckled. In her palm was a white orb. 'This is where I escapes to most of the day. So Eric was the King, you have to be the Duke! And I'm the Queen so let's get dress up!' She said and the white orb surrounds us.

I closed my eyes and when I felt the sensation dies down, I opened them and I was wearing a gold embroiled dress shirt. I must say that it looked quite dashing. I turned to looked at Thylia and my breath hitched. She is gorgeous!

She was wearing an all white dress. The inside is made out of satin with floral embroidery from the check to the legs, a thin chiffon fabric with pearls and her crown is a white gold with a blue diamond in the middle. She turned to me and smiled. 'Love you outfit?' She asked me. 'Yeah and I love yours! It's gorgeous!' I said. She stepped out to the open. 'Thank you now let's start exploring!' She said and I smiled.


Okay the last part is terrible. I mean yeah that'll be so awesome if we can have that and stuff. Anyways I know about the ' not-able-to-control-her-powers' thing and don't worry, something bad will happens ( As always >_> ) So stay tune to the next chapters!

So Ciao and yeah I'll post the characters info and pics tomorrow or later. Also, when Im not such a lazy ass I'll fix the prologue >=] til then my loves! Comments!

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